Planning permission for new coal mine in Cumbria quashed


Campaigners outtside the court for the hearing into the coal mine in July 2024.
Weald Action Group campaigners with SLACC, Friends of the Earth and Coal Action Network at their hearing in July 2024.

The UK’s first new coal mine application in 30 years – which was granted permission by the previous government in 2022 – will not be allowed to go ahead.

South Lakes Action on Climate Change and Friends of the Earth had taken the government to court over the decision, arguing among other things that it had failed to take into account the full climate impact of the mine. Today, the High Court judge Justice Holgate allowed their challenges and quashed the planning permission.

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Impacts of Horse Hill judgment show as government concedes other plans are unlawful

Placard reading 'Not Horse Hill, Not Anywhere' in front of Big Ben
Placard by Alice Owen

The Weald Action Group’s Supreme Court victory is starting to have effects across the country.

Today, Angela Rayner, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government,  has admitted that a controversial new coal mine in Cumbria was permitted unlawfully. Michael Gove, ex Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, granted planning permission for the mine in December 2022. Read a press release from Friends of the Earth

And the the Secretary of State  and oil company Egdon Resources Limited have accepted that planning permission for an oil development at Biscathorpe in Lincolnshire was unlawful. Read an update from Cornerstone Barristers

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Weald Action Group supports campaigners against new Cumbria coalmine

Weald Action Group campaigners at a rally at the mine on 9 September 2023

Campaigners from the Weald Action Group will support campaigners against the planned new coal mine in Cumbria as they take their cases to the Royal Courts of Justice on 16 July. 

Join the rally outside the court on the first day of the hearing, Tuesday 16 July

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Horse Hill: Historic win as Supreme Court upholds landmark climate case

  • Groundbreaking judgment could have profound implications for new fossil fuel projects, including Cumbrian coal mine and North Sea oil and gas fields

Surrey County Council acted unlawfully by giving planning permission for oil production at Horse Hill in the Surrey countryside without considering the climate impacts of when the oil is inevitably burned, the Supreme Court has ruled today.

The landmark judgment follows a legal challenge brought by former Surrey resident Sarah Finch, on behalf of the Weald Action Group. The case challenged Surrey County Council’s decision to grant planning permission for oil drilling at Horse Hill, near Gatwick airport in the Surrey countryside.

It could have enormous impacts on all new UK fossil fuel developments – including proposals for a controversial new coal mine in Cumbria and North Sea oil and gas projects. Continue reading “Horse Hill: Historic win as Supreme Court upholds landmark climate case”

Supreme Court judgment on Horse Hill case to be issued on 20 June 2024

The Supreme Court will hand down its judgment on the case Sarah Finch v. Surrey County Council at 9.45 am on 20 June 2024. It will be also be livestreamed on the UK Supreme Court website.

Join us outside the court from 8.45am.

The case – about planning permission granted in 2019 for 20 years’ oil production at Horse Hill in Surrey – is of major importance for future decisions by planning authorities about applications to extract fossil fuels across England and Wales.

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No new oil & gas: our response to Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan update

The Weald Action Group has urged Hampshire County Council to commit to refuse any plans for new oil and gas developments.

We have responded to the Council’s consultation on the update of its Minerals and Waste Plan, which will guide decision-making on minerals development – including exploration and production of oil and gas – up until 2040.

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West Sussex County Council urged to refuse UKOG’s fourth bid to delay restoring the Broadford Bridge drilling site

Protesters at Broadford Bridge
Protest at the Broadford Bridge site

Update: On 19 March 2024, the West Sussex County Council planning committee refused a further extension of permission at Broadford Bridge. The well will now need to be plugged and abandoned and the site restored to farmland.

UK Oil & Gas  plc (UKOG) has put a fourth application to delay restoring the well they drilled at Broadford Bridge in West Chiltington to West Sussex County Council.

The company is required by its initial exploration licence to restore the controversial site after its exploration but has convinced planners it needs ‘more time’ despite three previous extensions.

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National and local groups speak out against resumption of oil production at Avington, Hampshire

Letter to The Times from groups opposed to oil drilling at Avington, Hampshire“The decision… puts the park’s purposes in grave danger, dismisses local decision-making and is yet another black mark against this country’s progress towards net zero.”

So wrote representatives of the Campaign for National Parks, Winchester Action on Climate Change, Friends of the South Downs, Petersfield Climate Action Network and Alton Climate Action Network, in a letter to published in The Times on 2 October 2023.

Continue reading “National and local groups speak out against resumption of oil production at Avington, Hampshire”

Weald Action Group objects to 10-year extension at Waddock Cross, Dorset

The Weald Action Group has formally objected to the application by Egdon Resources to keep the Waddock Cross oil site open for a further ten years. (application P/VOC/2023/02762).

The application is for a ten-year extension to an existing dormant site. If successful, Egdon Resources plans to submit a further application for two more wells with the intention of resuming commercial oil production. If the oil yield shown in modelling cited in the Planning Statement is achieved, Waddock Cross could become one of the largest onshore oil production sites in the UK.

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